Beyond the Pitch: A New Chapter in Business for Nick Jackson

From professional soccer to recruiting tech talent, Nick Jackson’s journey highlights resilience and reinvention. Embracing change can lead to new, rewarding paths.

As a child, many dream of becoming a police officer, firefighter, or astronaut. However, life experiences often lead us to change these aspirations. I was fortunate to discover my passion for soccer at the age of four, and since then, my dream has been to become a professional soccer player. Committed to this dream, I dedicated my entire childhood to soccer — being homeschooled, moving to Brazil and England, and attending soccer boarding schools — all to give my all to this dream.

In January 2018, my hard work paid off when I was drafted to the Colorado Rapids, as announced on the big screen. Although I had sacrificed much of my youth and envisioned this achievement as the pinnacle, the day felt quite ordinary. With heightened emotions, I felt it was merely the beginning, and I was eager to get to work.

While playing professional soccer, I forged strong friendships and created unforgettable memories. I felt invincible, destined to excel. Life, however, had other plans, serving me a humbling reality check when I tore my ACL. This injury, coupled with the challenges of a global pandemic, a pregnant fiancé, and confinement to an apartment, marked a low point. A year later, I decided to retire.

During my career, I had the opportunity to live in Charlotte, NC, a city I grew to love. After residing in San Diego and then Atlanta, my fiancé and I, along with our two-year-old daughter, decided to return to Charlotte.

Retirement left me directionless at first. My identity had been so entwined with soccer that it took some time to rediscover myself. During this period of self-reflection, I pursued a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. This educational journey helped me understand who Nick Jackson was outside the realm of soccer.

From the tender age of four, I had manifested my destiny of becoming a professional soccer player, with my relentless dedication and the law of attraction playing pivotal roles in my success. Soccer molded me into the resilient individual I am today, instilling in me a spirit of sacrifice, drive, and ambition that enabled excellence both on and off the field.

Although I was making strides in self-discovery, I remained uncertain about my career trajectory. That’s when HTD Talent, a promising new company, entered the picture, seeking someone like me to join their team. With little experience in their industry, I accepted the challenge, drawn by their vision to revolutionize the recruitment of diverse emerging tech talent. Being part of a collective effort larger than myself, and sharing in the commitment to change how companies perceive emerging tech talent, has been invigorating.

Transitioning from realizing my dream on the soccer field to spearheading innovative hiring practices in tech has been immensely rewarding. I now have the opportunity to significantly impact the careers of ambitious individuals pursuing their dreams, and transitioning from a jersey to a business suit has never felt better.

In conclusion, when one door closes, numerous others are waiting to be opened. Remember, life is not about the destination, but the journey.

- Nick Jackson


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